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To register as an affiliate, simply complete the form below. For hints and tips on filling out the form, Click here. If you already have an affiliate account and wish to modify your details, please log in above and select the 'profile' option on your home page.

User Information
Select a Username:
Enter a username (min 4 alphanumeric digits, no spaces)
Select a Password:
Enter a password (alphanumeric digits, no spaces)
Retype Password:
Please retype your password from above
Email Address:
Please enter your email address
Secondary Email:
Please enter a secondary email address where we can contact you if your primary email address bounces. This field is not mandatory.
Your Details
First Name:
NOTE: If you are an individual, please enter your first name here. If you are a company, please enter the first name of one of the company directors. NOTE: This name must match any proof of identity documents required for payments.
Last Name:
If you are an individual, please enter your last name here. If you are a company, please enter the last name of the company directors listed in the first name field. NOTE: This name must match any proof of identity documents required for payments.
Company Name:
If you are a company, please enter the company name listed on the company incorporation document. If you are an individual, leave this field blank. NOTE: This name must match any proof of identity documents required for payments.
Date Of Birth
If you are an individual, please enter your last name here. If you are a company, please enter the last name of the company directors listed in the first name field. NOTE: This name must match any proof of identity documents required for payments.
Phone Number:
Please enter your phone number
Suite/Apt No.:
Please enter your suite number, or apt. number
Please enter your street name
Please enter your city/suburb
Please enter your state
Zip/Post Code:
Please enter your zip/post code
Please select your country
Please enter the username you use to login to Skype. This is another form of contact if your email addresses fail.
Preferred Contact Method:
Preferred Contact Time:
From : To : Time Zone :
Other Details
Commission Model:

Target countries:

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